Philips HeartStart AEDs by Philips Healthcare
You’ll quickly recognize the Philips name. Philips HeartStart has built a trusted reputation in defibrillation and Automated External Defibrillators. The Philips HeartStart AED technology is intended for every skill level, every environment, you’ll find the perfect AED product for your application.
For public access there is the Philips HeartStart OnSite, also known as the HS1. The OnSite is designed for the ordinary person to help prepare them for an extraordinary moment. The HeartStart OnSite boasts that is the first and only AED available without a prescription. At the core of this device and all HeartStart Defibrillators is a technology called SMART Biphasic, this type of shock delivery is highly effective while it minimizes harmful side effects to the heart. Some of the reasons this versatile AED has been a top choice for schools, corporations, government and universities is its affordable price point, light weight, easy set-up, intuitive features and very reasonable cost of HeartStart batteries and pads. If you are planning to buy an AED for almost any public setting or even as a home defibrillator this AED is an excellent choice. AED One-Stop Shop is an Authorized Philips Distributor and many of our customers are thrilled with their purchase of the Philips HeartStart OnSite.
One step up from the OnSite HS1 is the Philips HeartStart FRx AED Defibrillator. This AED product offers some of the same versatility to utilize this AED in offices, the workplace, school districts and more. Due to its ruggedness and tough overall design the FRx AED is a top choice for first responders like police departments, sheriff’s departments, fire, ems, and emergency response teams. The FRx AED from AED One-Stop Shop is designed to surpass rigorous testing requirements withstanding jetting water, loads of up to 500 lbs, and a 1 meter drop onto concrete surfaces. In addition to these design attributes the Philips HeartStart FRx features SMART Pads II which can be used for both adult and child patients due to the Philips infant/child key which transforms the AED and its SMART Pads to a pediatric function, no wonder this is such a big seller to K-12 schools and after school programs.
If you’re a professional and are looking for more functionality or the ability to monitor ECG in addition to defibrillating, then the new Philips HeartStart FR3 AED Defibrillator from AED One-Stop Shop and Purchase AEDs .com is a great product to consider. The size impresses professionals right away, it’s small, lightweight and easy carry since it weighs just 3.5 pounds. Despite the compact size the Philips FR3 is rugged, reliable and utilizes a variety of case options designed specifically for the device like the Philips Small Case or the Rigid System Case for FR3. Customers also enjoy the SMART CPR feature, the bright high-res LCD display, the infant/child key and data management software to download and forward cardiac event data. Much consideration and thoughtfulness has obviously gone into the Philips HeartStart FR3 Defibrillator and the SMART Pads III.

For more information or to buy today call us at: (210) 533-9457